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A Special Invitation from Jill Bevan - Brown

Jill Bevan - Brown
24 Rahui Road
(06) 364 5262 home
(06) 350 5799 ext 8764 work

Kia ora te whanau, As some of you already know I am involved in research into helping Maori children and teenagers with special needs.

(Special needs children include those with some sort of disability eg. visual, hearing, intellectual or physical impairments; children with severe behavioural, social or emotional problems; those with school-related learning problems and children who are gifted and talented.)

Last year I held a hui at the marae and talked to kohanga reo whanau about the services needed for our tamariki who have special needs. After talking to whanau from other kohanga reo in the region the combined information was recorded in a Report that was sent to the Ministry of Education. If anyone is interested in the Report you can borrow a copy from me or Kotahitanga Kohanga Reo.

My research is continuing and I would really like to hear from anyone else who has an opinion or an experience they would like to share with me concerning children or teenagers with special needs. All information will be treated as strictly confidential